Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has sprung early this year and the chickens are loving the grass and bugs that come along with it.  The yolks of their eggs should be even darkers yellow/orange with all of the foraging they've been doing. 

I took a video of what it's like every time I go back near their coop.  

Popcorn, the hen that has an injury, continues to heal in the garage pen.  She's doing well and I'm hopeful that next week she'll rejoin the flock.  I've made her a small, fabric "chicken saddle" to wear when she goes back outside to help protect her from re-injury for a few weeks until her feathers grow back in that area.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Lately, Around The Hen Yard....

 A typical dozen eggs from my varied flock.

 We had a bad storm whip through and it flipped several panels of metal roofing from the over-hang.
 Luckily the panels hung on and didn't land on anyone (or any chicken).

 Jon was able to flip the panels back in place and repair the roof without needing a new panel.
He used the new panel I'd already bought to help divert rain at the end of the roof. 
 Pine bedding haulers.
 I did a spring cleaning of the chicken coop last weekend.  Over the course of two days, I hauled all of the old bedding out (wearing a dust mask is a must!) and replaced it with new.  The deep litter method worked very well over winter and the old bedding was nice and dry.

 A nice, clean coop ready for spring.
 The girls were so excited to have access to their coop again, they hopped right into their nesting boxes to get to work.
 These brothers crack me up.  Chief Crazy Feather (left) and Wolfie (formerly Nicholas) spend most of their time together and they love to pose for the camera.
 See what I mean?
 I think Fluffy (in the back, on the roost) is wondering that the boys are doing.

 And a funny pose from Marmalade... or is this Diana? I'm not sure.
Popcorn, one of our Silver Spangled Hamburg hens has a wound on her side so she's spending some time in the hospital ward (a dog crate in the garage).  She's getting very tired of the daily wound cleanings but she's showing signs of healing so I'm encouraged.  Hopefully she'll make a full recovery. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spending Time With Chickens

Warmer weather means we're spending more time outside.  You can't spend time outside at our house without a chicken or twenty wondering what you're up to.

Chickens take their compost turning very seriously.

Matthew is wondering about the yarn swift.  He didn't like when it spun around though and he left to find bugs.
This hen was curious. Maybe she liked the lime green I switched to later. She tried to peck at the end of the yarn as it went by.  Chickens are very helpful that way.