Monday, May 23, 2016

Flock Update

It sure is busy around here with all of these new babies.  I'm thrilled to report that they're all doing very well.  We lost one of our outside babies but otherwise, we haven't lost a single other baby.  So that makes 69 chicks on our property! Yikes!  (We'll be selling the ones we decide not to keep before adding them to the flock.) 

Here's a video I took this weekend of a few of the babies with one of the mothers (DC).  These babies are 2 weeks old now and are quite adventurous!

 The rest of the chickens have been very good with the babies.

Now that the fig tree has leafed out (and Jon put our old bench under it), it is the most popular nap spot in the yard.  It stays nice and cool under there and the tree offers great protection against aerial predators.

The chicks in the garage brooders are growing as well.

 The Ameraucanas and Barnevelder pullets are 3 weeks old today.  They're growing fast!

I'm feeding both sets of chicks from my hand daily in hopes of taming them.  Their favorite is mashed hard boiled egg... as you can tell.  It's total chaos when I lower my hand with egg. 
 The 37 babies from the incubator (plus the 9 from Mavis's abandon nest) are about 10 days old now.
 They're getting their wing feathers are starting to act more like big kids instead of new, sleepy babies.

They like the branch I put in their baby pool brooder.  It gives them something to do other than eat and sleep all day.... not that there's anything wrong with that....if you're a baby chick.

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